Anclado Portuguese Water Dog Links

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Anclado Portuguese Water Dogs


Important links for new puppy owners:

Here is the Volhard puppy test. It is used throughout the world to help select the right puppy for a family. This is a starting point that will also help in determining how the puppy should be trained/handled. For example, a 'soft' puppy should have a minimum of correction in order that it's spirit is not broken. Remember, there are always environmental factors that will also factor into what your dog will be like as an adult.

Info for feeding:

PLEASE DO NOT USE "GREENIES" ! These are sold in pet stores as 'chew toys' for dogs and advertized as being good for cleaning their teeth. They do not break apart in your dog's stomach and can cause blockage leading to death. See this link for more info:

Comercial dog food. What it contains:

Is meat really the main ingredient in dog kibble? The FDA says:

'Pet food ingredients must be listed on the label in descending order by weight. However, the weight includes the moisture in the ingredient, which makes it tricky to interpret. "A moist ingredient, such as chicken, which may be 70 percent water, may be listed ahead of a dry ingredient, such as soybean meal, which is only 10 percent water--yet the soy actually contributes more solids to the diet," says Susan Donoghue, V.M.D., owner of Nutrition Support Services, Inc., and past president of the American Academy of Veterinary Nutrition.
Similar materials listed as separate ingredients may outweigh other ingredients that precede them on the list of ingredients. For example, chicken may be listed as the first ingredient, then wheat flour, ground wheat, and wheat middlings. The consumer may believe that chicken is the predominant ingredient, but the three wheat products--when added together--may weigh more than the chicken.

The following web page has links that talk about dogs and their diets. You will need to click on each of the topics or 'myths' to actually see the info.

Here is a very well known breeder who has only raised raw fed:

In the UK, they are actually trying to put a bill through their parliament to stop vets from being allowed to sell dog food in their clinics and to stop dog food companies from sponsoring vets' free trips etc.

The first days at home:

Here are 30 tips to make life easier with your new pup:

The first week...suggestions on how to handle it:

Housetraining your pup:

One of the most important things your pup needs to learn is that it is the lowest in the family hierchy. This will prevent your dog from trying to dominate children and will make them more secure and easier to train because they will always know their position in the 'pack':


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